
Mule Deer Hunting In Pinyon-Juniper Forests

When asked by friends what formula I’d recommend for successfully hunting mule deer, my usual answer is to match hunting techniques to the type of country you’re hunting in. Here are some tips you may find helpful when hunting muley’s in pinyon-juniper forests. Pinyon-juniper forests cover millions of acres in the Southwest and harbor unbelievable … Read more

Brother PE Design Trouble Shooting: Installing on Windows 7

Brother PE Design is embroidery software that allows users to create custom embroidery designs on their computer, to be transferred to their Brother Embroidery machine stitched off. Over a decade old, the software has seen 9 major updates over the years, the latest being ‘PE Design Next’. As computers have evolved, newer versions of operating … Read more

The Self-Defense Potential Of Kokondo Karate

If you’re going to take a look into the world of Kokondo karate, you’re probably going to be tempted to also investigate Jukido Jujitsu. As you’re going to discover, Jukido Jujitsu is the sister style of Kokondo, which roughly translates into “the way of the past and the present.” However, for now, let’s focus entirely … Read more

How To Date Your Fred Bear Bow

Since we have the opportunity to sell a lot of different items through our eBay Drop Off Store, certain things start to stick out that seem to sell extremely well. One item that sticks out are the vintage BEAR Recurve Bows. Recently on an out of town trip we stopped by an antique store like … Read more

Deer Hunting – What Items Must You Bring?

Once upon a time, we humans, were hunters and gatherers. Hunting was the main source of food we had. But then, we evolved and so did our methods. Hunting was dissolved because it was dangerous to one’s life and instead agriculture was adopted as the main source of food which is applicable to date. Now, … Read more

How To Make a Crossbow

Have you considered making a homemade crossbow? If you want one that will really hunt, it is probably best to leave it to the professionals, unless, that is of course, you are extremely handy, have access to a well equipped machine shop, and a good supplier of the necessary quality materials. If you hope to … Read more